Sunday, May 29, 2005

Medical Libary, Saturday, shot 3!!!

Looking back from my desk in the libary. The libary was not too occupied but can't blame people really...It's just the 1st day of our study leave, most people were probably still in a hangover-state! I would be staying at home as well if my flat was silent and obviously it wasn't and there I was ending up sitting in the libary!

Background music: "The Requiem" by Seikima-II (Read more!)

Medical Libary, Saturday, shot 2!!

Looking up from my desk where I am revising in the libary. (Read more!)

Medical libary, Saturday, shot 1!

Revision in the medical libary. What a mess and progressive rate is absoultely 0%!!
Top left corner: Fields Virology 4th Edition, 2001
Top right corner: Apoptosis diagram drew by me
Bottom left: Influenzae Virus lecture notes
Bottom centre: my own Influenzae notes from Birstol (Read more!)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Grant Proposal is done!!

It seems that all my course assessment are completed! Still got exams and project to finish off though. Haven't gone out for a while and I can't believe how bad my alcohol tolerence has become! A pint of cider kept me all dizzy and high for at least 2 hours!
Really need a long long sleep before strating revision.

Background music: "Over..." by K (Read more!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Reagent vending machine

Saw something really cool on the 3rd floor of our uni!! This is not a normal vending machine...this is a vending machine provides you with some commonly used reagents in labs!
Inside is packed with restriction enzymes, dNTPs, DNA ladder and all sorts of extrememly cool stuff. Thanks Faiza for showing me this machine after the ultimate SRC meeting today....I love it! Posted by Hello (Read more!)

Found this thing in lab

What a clever design with two very cute eppendorf tubes!! Why they have got wings I've no idea whatsoever....but I think they should cheer themselves up a bit (well at least with a smiley face...) to show people that they really can withstand extreme templature! Now I feel a bit guity when I shuff my tubes in hot bath or in the -80 degree fride! (Read more!)

Monday, May 23, 2005

Walk-Sleeping instead of sleep-walking

I've developed a new skill!! I don't think I can do the sleep-walking trick but I am definitely capable of walk-sleeping. It's not as dangerous as it sounds coz my instinct tends to wake myself up before I cross the road. The trick seems to work quite well in the morning on the way from railway station to lab.....and I am getting quite a good set of experimental results recently. The trick probably allows me to perform better in labs!
How cool is that....just like a human version of MRSA! I've acquire a new ability! I am evolving!! Hurray!!

Background music: Everybody's changing by Keane (Read more!)


LYRICS BY: Demon小暮閣下
MUSIC BY: Raiden 湯沢殿下

Angels are trumpin' the end of the world
Poisonous burning stars are fallin' to lands
The gruesome purple haze hanging the world
The sunshines and airs are moved into the dark
Your load destroy away all his works

He acts contrary to his words
Survivors only cling to powerless Cross
Then, Demons keep the Kingdom all after times

Infernal infidel infested an infertile inferno
Infestation inflamed the infidelity, infinity

(Read more!)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Oh mi god Michael Crawford is gone!!

"Michael Crawford will not be returning to Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Woman in White this spring after all. Beginning May 2, the role of Count Fosco will be played by Anthony Andrews"

I miss it!! I miss it!! Can u see it Jaime!?
We're too late!! too late!!
Michael Crawford's gone!! We miss it!!

I admit that I am also a big fan of Anthony Andrews since he played Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady....
but still.....what a chance to see the real Michael Crawford on stage....and now I've misssed it....
I wonder what on earth has happened to Michael Crawford though...

Backgorund music: "I will be back again" by Another Moon

Dear Mr Crawford, u better do what the name of the song says... (Read more!)

the Doomsday in less than a month time...

Today's D.C.07/05/22...
Exam in less than a month's time.....

Backgorund music "蠟人形の館" by 聖飢魔Ⅱ
"You shall never return home ha! ha!!" la la..... (Read more!)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

6.30pm in station Byfleet & Newhaw, Surrey. I missed the 6.10pm train to Waterloo....again.... Posted by Hello (Read more!)

I can feel my tendon man.....

Knowing that you have got a ganglion on your wrist is really quite a bad idea...come to think about might be better off if I haven't discover the bloody thing...

It's not painful at all but there's always a funny feeling on my tendon where the ganglion residues whenever I overuse my writst. The thing does hurt a bit when I press on it with force but it ain't severe. It's just not pleasent feeling that ganglion actually exist! I wonder when will NHS contact me so I can get rid of this bloody thing asap. As soon as I can still be able to pipette and play badminton after the surgey I would once again be a happy bunny.

Really need to get on with my project proposal or I will be dead by the end if next week!

Background music: Time Stalker by Seikima-II

Le Monde De Demoin - 2 disc

Please support His excellency Demon Kougure's new CD! (Read more!)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Surprisingly sunny today! a perfect view of Stratford from my room. Posted by Hello (Read more!)

a shot taken on the train in the morning on my way to lab. Posted by Hello (Read more!)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005



-Demon 一族首領

閣下....真偉大啊....... (Read more!)