Friday, April 28, 2006

關於聖飢魔II, 之一

對, 又是聖飢魔II。這裡就快變成聖飢魔II專Blog了~(笑)。這篇就當是慶祝小暮閣下前幾天出DVD的貢品吧。

"你喜歡Visual Rock 的嗎..."

開始喜歡聖飢魔II是大學一年級的事, 當時最喜歡(唯一)的樂團是B'z。
那時因為宿舍的房間可以上網, 於是經常在網上下載一大堆試聽的不知明mp3。一邊聽一邊delete去試聽完不喜歡的,通常到最後在電腦中存活下來的歌只有幾首。就是那時, 第一次無意中聽到了Demon小暮的歌聲, 感覺是, "很喜歡這把歌聲, 如果是這個主音的話, 大概唱甚麼歌也會變得好聽吧..."
不知道那首是什麼歌(file名是亂碼), 又不知道唱的人/樂團是誰, file名唯一看到的字是Seikima-II。然後, 當然往Yahoo Japan的搜索引擎裡找,很快就找到 Seikima-II=聖飢魔II, 又從他們的官方網頁中看到他們的樣子了。當時的反應除了是!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!外, 什麼也不記得了(笑)。很難從中文網上找到聖飢魔II的資料, 日文網頁又看不明, 幸好從台灣網頁萬魔殿中找到詳盡的介紹 (謝謝網主狐姊的努力)。


  • 聖飢魔II的音樂是重金屬/重搖滾(Heavy metal/ Heavy Rock), 亦不是Visual rock。在日本的唱片店中找他們的的教典(CD), 在Visual rock那一欄中是不會找到的。
  • 聖飢魔II的音樂雖然是重金屬, 但並不代表他們的音樂會很吵 (這是很多人對重金屬的誤解)。聖飢魔II的音樂其實很多元化, 儘管他們的抒情歌比例上是較少, 但是全部都很動聽(至小我從未聽過有人批評過他們的抒情歌), 連米媽(本蟲的母親大人)也喜歡到不得了。推薦: "Just Let Me Go", "Still Alive", "Fire Bird"。
  • 聖飢魔II的歌(尤其是初期), 的確像很多重金屬樂團一樣, 歌詞裡會觸及死、殺 、惡魔、 世界末日等等東西 (如 "Jack the Ripper", "Deathland"), 但不是全部。到後期勵志的歌曲還有不少,如"Still Alive", "Century of the Raising Arm", "Go Ahead"等(請按連結看萬魔殿的歌詞翻譯。
  • 雖然在香港和台灣聖飢魔II的名氣很小(根本上大部分人也不認識他們), 但是在日本他們可是著名到不得了。據我的日本朋友所說, 日本有很多人非常尊敬主音Demon小暮閣下。除了因為小暮閣下是早稻田大學出身以及頭腦非常地好外, 小暮閣下的多才多藝是得到全日本認同的。
  • 還有一點, 聖飢魔II才不是普通的人間樂團, 他們是來自地獄的惡魔樂團!!! (笑)

(Read more!)

Sunday, April 23, 2006


昨日與舊同學易零君到唐人街逛, 見到了久違了的大白兔奶糖。

中學時期經常從香港買回英國吃, 但是因為經常買到假的大白兔, 升大學後己經放棄再買了.

早前已見到唐人街有奇怪口味的大白兔糖發售, 一直不敢嘗試。根本就未聽過大白兔有其他口味出售, 不過也有能是自己太Outdate啦...再者, 包裝上的大白兔樣子又好像很冒牌。椰奶, 咖啡, 草莓等口味還算正常....不過, 咦, 話梅味!!?? 很另人擔心哪 -_-"

咖啡味很好吃; 草莓味很像奶昔, 也很不錯; 至於椰奶, 好像較甜, 不過在港的父親應該很喜歡。
可是, 還是原味最好。
話梅味嘛...還未有勇氣試(笑), 一買要買一整包哪。易零同學...你好勇敢!!! 據勇敢的易零同學所說, 話梅味其實很不錯。

這次買的大白兔很好吃 (LUCKy~), 以前試過買假的大白兔, 入口即溶, 又不是在吃MnM, 吃得很不高興。易零同學以前小時侯好像還吃過一些硬得要用刀劈才吃得到的大白兔...(汗) (Read more!)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

a short clip of "A Cinderella story" in Japan

Details of this muscial could be found in here.

Since I haven't seen this musical myself (I wish I could) I can only guess that this is the scene when the magician has just transformed the mice residing in Cinderella's home into a human form. But what for - I have no idea....perhaps driving the pumpkin cart?
Anyway, this is not important. What's important is that this is the muscial starring H.E. Demon Kogure as the magician, the King of mice as well as the father of Cinderella. So yes, the very active mouse dancing around in the clip above is indeed Demon Kogure. I am actualluy rather surprised that he did his handstand trick in front of Cinderella (one of the demonic trick which he used to perform in blackmass, named "天地逆轉唱法"). (Read more!)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Flash Game - 悪魔の逆襲 (Seikima-II Akuma no Gyakushuu)

a game which you can control the great His excellency Demon Kogure as the main character, A notorious acient game based on Seikima-II

Click to play: (Java is required to play the game)

Seikima II Akuma no Gyakushuu

Control Panel

Start button: ENTER
Select button: SPACE
Sound On: S
Jump: X
Shoot: Z
Pause: P

Free Online Games (Read more!)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Sgt. LUKE篁参謀's birthday today!!

I wish Sgt. LUKE Takamura 参謀 all the WORST and I hope he've had an unhappy birthday
m(_ _)m

AND, I've a confession to make...
I've completely missed the previous DEMON DAY (21/11) and ACE DAY (09/03)!!

Background music:
"Pleasure Dome" [百歌颯鳴] by Canta (Read more!)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Another treat: 凍てついた街

My blog pet is not eating properly!! (and neither do I =_= I HATE COOKING!!)
Can't really blame him since it is most likely to be my fault of not feeding him the right content...
So here is another treat:

凍てついた街 (聖飢魔II)
作詞:ダミアン浜田 / 作曲:ダミアン浜田 / 編曲:松崎雄一

争いの後 それは血の荒野
心も身体も冷めた今 闇に消え
砕けた命は 星とともに彷徨う
何かに追われ 傷ついた蝶は

蜜を求めて 飛ぶことも出来ず
風に流され やがては朽ちる
愚かなる者 言葉を失くした歌よ

We can't forgive
But who is guilty?
The fate forbid
in a frozen city

無機的な音 ふりそそぐfire ball
串刺しになる 全ての民が
光りも望みも絶えた今 灰と化し轟く稲妻 この国ごと葬れ
何故 こんなにも涙が溢れる

声も出せない ただ一言も
何故 こんなにも憎しみ合わせる
哀れなる者 優しさはいらない 滅ぶまで

Without release, we sleep forever
In ice, no peace, our souls dismembered
We can't forgive, We still remember

Too cold to live, eternal December
Dead ice, closed eyes, no hope, no pity

Too sad to die in the frozen city (Read more!)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A little treat for my blogpet

It's the 4th of April, the children's festival today, so, here are some treat for my blogpet 小米:

作詞・作曲:デーモン小暮 / 編曲:聖飢魔II、松崎雄一

残酷な言葉の裏側に密む 森羅万象の戒めも開かずに
宙を飛びかう 虚構の美辞麗句P.T.Aたちの短絡の中

HEAVY METAL is dead!
HEAVY METAL dies with a cry
言葉は狩られ 無いことにされて
HEAVY METAL is murdered! It's gonna be living dead
愛の笑顔で満ちたりたふりの You also may be slaughterd

暗黙の社会の羊たち ひとり拳あげ叫ぶことも指さされて

HEAVY METAL is dead! HEAVY METAL dies with a cry
もがれた首で なおも嘆いている
HEAVY METAL is murdered! It's gonna be living dead
頭でっかちで情緒未熟児の You also must be slaughterd, soon

殺せ殺せ殺せ邪魔物は 火を放て!
街も国中 戦争は人殺し

HEAVY METAL is dead! HEAVY METAL forever
HEAVY METAL is murdered! We gonna be living legend
血を流しても痛みに気づかぬ You also may be slaughterd!!

I wonder what sort of character would my blog pet learns, I am really looking forward >_< (so evil)
A bit feel like brainwashing though (Read more!)

Monday, April 03, 2006

祝賀!! 聖飢魔II 新大黑彌撒大教典發佈!!

29/03 D.C.8
ALL STANDING 処刑 The Live Black Mass D.C.7

Should I buy it or not? a DVD version of the same black mass is gonna release soon, which is a "must-buy" item.....
but I really want the CD too. I don't switch on my DVD player (i.e. my computer) often but I always have my music on...
But, the CD is so expensive (and so do the DVD)
What a demonic seduction...
What a difficult decision...
What should I do.......
I mean, what the hell should I do...

Song of the day:
アダムの林檎(Adam's Apple) by 聖飢魔II
"How about some sweet and sour apple? delicious and dangerous
How about some sweet and sour apple? Try it now!" (Read more!)

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Just realised I've indeed a rather thorough experience of using showers, due to the fact that I rarely stay in the same accomodation for more than a year.

I never get along with water since childhood and before I got stuck in a boarding school I did not like using the type of shower which shoots from right above your head. Thanks for Wymondham college I got over with this quickly because that's all they've got. I adapted it quickly and now I am loving it.

Shower in my boarding school (experience: 6 years)
The shower is actually really good - it's hot and it's sufficently strong, but there are several disadvantages. Firstly, the shower was triggered by one single button, which means that it was impossible to adjust the water temperature, plus, the triggering only lasts for about 10 to 20 seconds and so you need to press the button every now and again to keep the water running.

Shower in the University accomodation (experience: 2 years)
Absolutely shxx. In my first year, my accomodation has no hot water available after 7pm, the colder the colder. Yes I know my hall of residence is the cheapest among all halls but I still don't think I deserve this. Then, when summer approached, this promblem was fixed....
I moved to another hall of residence during my second year of university, and still, it is the cheapest among all "self-cathering" halls. The shower was slightly better, with hot water most of the time (Yes, most but not all of the time, but I still appreciated it). But, the shower was a bit weak.

Shower in London accomodation (a year and a half)
I experienced a whole month of cold and icy shower during winter time. Still can't believe I could get through it and I thought I was gonna die! My flatmates and I both reported the fault almost every 3 days but still nobody came to fix it. In the end, I left my landlord a message saying "Please come to fix the shower as soon as possible. We are all ill and not long till dying". A man came over to fix our shower 2 days after this.

To define whether a shower is good or not, in my opinion the most important requirements are hot and strong. My friend Bear and I came across this topic today morning and we've drawn a conclusion that a third requirement ought to be added: accuracy, i.e. the shower must aim the water to you "accurately". The shower in Bear's ex-accomodation was hot and strong. The problem is, the shower aimed the water at all different directions apart from the area where you are supposed to stand. What's more, it is not possible to shift yourself to a place when the water was shot at because that was kinf of like a shower box (where can you go?).

Results and Discussion:
"Consequently, our results have shown that a shower capable of maintaining a high temperature, a certain magnitude of power and a high degree of accuracy could be defined as a shower of good quality..."
(voice in my head: you are so sad man...) (Read more!)