Sunday, May 28, 2006


老鼠在啤(Bear)米宅出沒可是大事。米媽米爸, 米之友, 米的同事, 啤之友, 啤之妹, 連啤之婆婆等也知道了。

啤: 我們家有老鼠!!!!!
啤妹: 噢...當然有老鼠了, 你的房間這麽污穢!
啤: 鼠出沒在米的房間喎...
啤妹: 噢!! 你的房間太污穢, 連老鼠也進不來了!!

呵呵呵....我喜歡!!! (Read more!)

Monday, May 22, 2006

老鼠愛山米 ~Just leave me alone!~

Dear mouse,

Can't you just wait for another week? I've only got a few more days till I move to another flat?
Can't you go to somewhere which are is large and wide and spacy, instead of my tiny messy little room with so many clothes and craps all over the floor?

Okay okay even though I've admitted before - I am not scared of mouse and I think that crockcoch, lizard and spider are generally more scary than mouse - now I would like to take back my words. I won't go manic when I see s mouse on the street, but seeing a mouse in your own room is s completely different situation, especially when it was 3am in the morning.

The mouse was a tiny one (hence it was a "mouse", if it was a rat I might have blew my dorm up already), black in colour and ran like a rocket. It was difficult to drag myself out of my room since my leg has turned to a piece of jelly within seconds. Got out of the room, woke the bear up, now what?

What a night...! Bear and Rice together (With Bear doing most of the work as Rice has not yet recovered from the shock and was constantly in a histeric state for the whole night. By the way, Bear is no stranger to mouse-phobia, what an "unfortunate" victim in this chaos) is this Managed to resecue my clothes living on the floor of my room with a stick, opened and set up some mouse toxic, sprayed plenty of insectides in my room (you got to try everything at the time but I really don't think it would work), closed the door and incubated....Didn't gain much sleep at all that night and I ended up sleeping in the common room for a whole bloody week.

We bought a few glue trap the dat after, using peanut butter as a decoy but no luck at all. Indeed we haven't seen it again (That's probably because I haven't enter my room for an entire week). I've developed a phobia of entering my own dorm and that is very very sad. Bloody little mouse, how on earth did you enter my room? You really like my room that much? It's okay I'll let you have it if you can just wait for another week - and don't let me see you again while I pack... (Read more!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Tesco and my old days

Went to buy myself some treats in the Sainsbury on Tottingham Court Road today.
Came out from the supermarket holding bags of food, I walk towards the underground station as usual but soon I notice something is missing opposite the road.
Where the Hell is the Tesco express??? It was still there when I visited Tottingham Court Road no long ago!!
To be honest, since I left university I haven't been to that Tesco at all, but I like that Tesco. It's the only supermarket which opens till late night - I mean REALLY late like 2am. So whenever I need to stay up late or even overnight in uni there is always somewhere out there which you can go if you need anything. It is the only shop you can find opening in the middle of the night on Tottingham Court Road!
I know the whole world is always changing so I better stop moaning, but I will definitely miss you Tesco.
By the way, "my old days" is actually less than a year ago.... (Read more!)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Star War Day!!

Can anybody tell me why?
and what the hell is star war day? (Read more!)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


近來發現自己越來越會跑樓梯。 今天早上趕火車一連跑了三條大電梯,趕上火車坐下來才發現自己忘了喘氣....呵呵呵... (Read more!)

Monday, May 01, 2006

抱歉!!! 稻葉先生舆松本先生…

上次有提到, “當時最喜歡的樂團是B'z”。想補充的是, 現在的我還是很喜歡B’z。
B’z是中學時代巳經喜歡上的樂團。和喜歡上聖飢魔II一樣,初時是因為主音稻葉浩志的歌聲而喜歡上的。 記得當時很興奮, 因為終於找到了真正喜歡的樂團, 開始喜歡上搖滾樂也是從B’z開始的, 這要感謝松本孝弘老大的結他演奏以及他為B’z作的曲。
想要懺悔的是, 誓要比較的話, (小聲地)我是喜歡聖飢魔II多一點點啦…
(作為比較的標準是: 聖飢魔II的歌我沒有一首是不喜歡的, 不過, 雖然不多, 但是B’z的歌中我有不喜歡的;另外, 聽聖飢魔II的CD時亦不會“跳”歌來聽, 然而聽B’z的碟是很多時都會。誓要比較其實不太公平, 始終, B’z和聖飢魔II的音樂種類不同,前者是Rock, 後者是Heavy Metal/Heavy Rock。
日本樂團中, 近來亦很喜歡聽Janne Da Arc; 另外亦會聽Charcoal Filter, Field of View, Face to Ace, 還有聲優森久保祥太郎的歌。英國樂團中最喜歡Keane, 雖然主音是肥了點….(-_-“) - 沒有結他的rock樂團還是第一次見 (Emotional Rock); 還有老牌樂團Queen;另外亦很中意唱音樂劇的 Michael Crawford 和 Peter Karrie。美國的會聽Green Day, Bon Jovi 等。
香港的…..只會聽陳奕迅 (羅利他你高興了吧?), 也是因為他的歌聲很好聽。我很不喜歡聽情歌和太pop的歌, 所以廣東歌不太適合我。 (Read more!)