Monday, July 31, 2006

Orz......Why me?

Ha! Ha! My phone line got cut (again)!
So now I can neither use the phone nor the internet, and on top of that I was forced to have a half day holiday to stay at home and wait for the phone company engineer's visit on this coming Wednesday, between 8am - 12.30pm.
Plus, if the engineer comes to a conclusion that it's not the phone company's problem, I'll have to pay £70 for his visit.
Great great luck I am having. I better stop here before all the swear words start kicking in. (Read more!)

Monday, July 24, 2006

出世了!! 史萊姆與米

米的第一張photoshop作品 - 出生了!!!!

其實, 在這張之前, 還有一幅Q版小暮的... 不過覺得畫得不夠好, 遲些等技術熟練一點之時再修改一下才帶它出來見人。

米的造型大概和以前一樣, 頭上生了一顆蕈菌。唯一不同的是多條惡魔尾巴 (這是本米這幾年内邪惡化、信者化、閣下宗化的進化成果!!) (......有人聽懂我在說甚麼嗎?)。
米手上拿的惡魔叉, 是隨意畫上去的。本來想畫平時拿最多的pipettte, 不過畫了大概沒啥人知道我在畫什麼, 所以算了。

至於史萊姆, 足跡比那粒米還多。認識我的人, 都知道本米有嚴重的「畫史萊姆」癖好, 到現在仍改不了。遲些有打算再生產多一些質素較好的CG史萊姆。 (Read more!)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


今天倫敦的記錄氣溫是37度。天上一片雲也沒有, 多晴朗!
這樣的氣温下, 今天遍遍還要在沒有冷氣機的Lab中工作...
這還不止, 還要穿及頸的Lab Coat及膠手套。 脫手套時汗水跟皮肉黏在一起, 差點連皮也一塊兒地脱了下來。
回家時, 從工作地點走到火車站要半小時, 途中竟然全無遮蔽的地方, 只有花花草草。
然後還要坐在氣温高達47度的火車中長達45分鐘, 坐的椅子還是盪的。
回到家, 大約八時。因為是夏天的關係, 過度活躍大陽佰佰還高高掛在天上, 陽光還是很陰毒地射進我的房間, 還要等多兩小時太陽佰佰才會收工(你快閃吧, 不用這麼努力地照躍大地的啊 T_T...)。房間仿似温室一樣, 嗚乎!!
雖然這麼熱, 但是手背的膚還是乾燥得會裂, 這是洗得手多的關係吧(工作需要, 平均每天都要洗手洗上大約二十次,冬天的時候手背好像千塊拼圖那樣, 異常壯觀)。大熱天時叫我麽塗 hand cream, 真是想想都覺得嘔心。
四處都沒有冷氣的英國, 簡直是想把我山米煮成白粥嘛....(不用加調味料, 這麽多汗應該夠鹹的啦)

氣温還持續上升的話就相信大家不久後還可以吃到暴暴飯焦, 敬請期待。 (Read more!)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

極品!! 魔人de show - "正義のために"交響樂版


真的是極品哪!!!! 這應該是取自"デーモン小暮の的邦楽維新Collaboration"的吧...
, 下次去日本的時候, 有機會真想試去一次...

另外, 有幸把"Death Note Tribute"這片CD中, 小暮閣下主唱的「L↔R」弄到手。不太清楚是誰作曲, 不過真的好聽得很~現在可以按左邊的Stickham Player試聽。 (Read more!)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

靈異照片的真相: 過度活躍的火警鐘

不是為了惡搞, 是有真的實際用途喔。

手掣的火警鐘防響裝置- 用來預防過敏的火警鐘在不適當的情況下大響
住了這麼多間宿舍, 印象中無論房間面積多小, 都一定裝有感煙的火警鐘(這難到是英國的傳統嗎 -_-“….)。我(暫時)比較幸運, 還未試過弄響過任何一個; 走火警倒是試過很多次(不是因為真的火警也不是演集, 而是某人把它弄響了…)

經驗一: 中學寄宿時期
某女同學在房中噴body spray/香水 的時候竟然把火警鐘弄響了…從此校方以「環保」為理由禁止學生在宿舍使用Body spray。

經驗二: 中學寄宿時期
男同學們在某房間中混戰的時候, 不知是誰拋出的襪子擊中了火警鐘, 鐘隨即大響。事過後襪子的物主被處分, 但是, 拋襪子的是另有其人啦。

經驗三: 還是中學寄宿時期
比我高一年, 剛考完GCSE (英國會考)將要告別校園的學長為了在離開時留個特別的紀念, 於是….唉!

經驗四: 中學時期, 到某老師家中作客的時候
老師的太太有事外出, 於是老師親自下廚做午餐。午餐有煎雙腸, 漢堡扒和薯條, 三種食物中只有漢堡扒沒有焦。午餐未弄到一半的時候火警鐘已大響…不過, 老師可以自由關閉家中的火警鐘, 只要及時關閉的話是不會驚動到消防車的。老師的女兒也只是嚷了一句「你又把火警鐘弄響了喔!」就轉過頭繼續看電視去也….

在大學時期數不清的走火警大多是因為煮食問題。 食物焦了, 或煮東西時大油煙一點便有可能把那過敏的鐘弄響。

對了, 補充一點, 除了在老師家作客那一次外, 消防車都每次都會在火警鐘響過後的五分鐘內到達, 真是麻煩你了消防員先生 m(_ _)m (Read more!)

Friday, July 07, 2006

The week that changes London 倫敦七七紀念日

Dear everybody,

I've received several texts and emails enquiring about my safety regarding to the awful incident happened in London yesterday. I would like to thank everybody who was concerning about me and as I've said in the subject - I am perfectly fine but was extremely exhausted after all the troubles of trying to get home. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you guys an instant response since I was doing labs for the whole day - what made things worse is that I was doing clonning yesterday and that has to be done in a very isolated room with no internet access. What's more, my mobile was dying and I really need to save the battery to contact my friends who lives in central London later in the day.

Some of you probably have heard that I am undertaking a virology project in Surrey. I need to start my journey at 7.30am every morning to catch the train in Waterloo. Therefore in fact, I was outside London when the first explosion happened! Actually I know nothing about the incident at all till lunch when I got out of the lab. I remember receiving a text from one of my coursemate saying,
"R u all right? R u stuck in the station somewhere? Need any help? This is scary and I am freakin out a bit". Since I've no idea what the hell had happened in London I texted back,
"Have you texted to the wrong no.????? What r u talkin' about??".

But surely the incident did affect everybody who lives in London to some extents, especially the people who doesn't live in the central (i.e. me!). According to my flatmates who tried to get back in the afternoon when all the public transport had been suspended, the only option left was taxi (or just go around and ask people for a lift in the car). The problem is: There were nobody willing to drive to Stratford at all. Lots of people thought that the explosion might be related to the fact that we won the olympic bid and Stratford is where the olympic village gonna be. I mean - we have even got a huge olympic statue built in the centre of the town (But it's quite an ugly one I have to admitted), which is rather tempted to be destroyed in the terrorist's point of view...Come to think about it, I was really lucky that the bus service was resumed by the time I got back to London. Plus, my supervisor did several phone calls and search for me so I had had some ideas of what I should do if I am stuck in central London. Some of my friends who live in the central offered me to stay overnight in their place as well, which I really do appreciated. Eventually the staff from the London bus service told me that there were buses available to Startford so I think that I might as well give it a try instead of getting stuck in London doing nothing. Well he's right, but they were exteremely busy. It was raining, and I waited for 2 and a half hours. 8 buses turned up but I still couldn't get on to any of the bloody bus. Some of the buses were so saturated that they didn't even bother to stop at the station! Anyway, I successfully "squeezd" onto the 9th bus and managed to arrive home roughly around 9.30pm (my supervisor allowed me to leave early because of the incident and it was 4.30pm when I left!). I was so tired that I felt asleep in the middle of my meal till the next morning (and hence I did not response to any text or email at all yesterday!)
So that's the whole story but both Lonon and I are perfectly fine. The attack was absolutely inhuman but obviously London is back to action again in less than 24 hours time. The British public, NHS and the emergency serivce handled the situation brillantly (and the public transport was completely free in the evening!) so there's no need to worry at all . Thank you all for your concerns and I guess I should get back to work now.


在英國住了這麼久, 搬到倫敦不夠一年就發生了這件事。其中被炸的Liverpool Street是我每天上學乘地鐵時必經的站; 另外其中一架被襲擊的巴士就在我大學後的Rusell Square爆炸。對於那時住在倫敦但每天都要乘火車到另一個郡做Project的我來說, 真的不知道是可幸還是不幸。可幸的是爆炸未發生時我已經跳了上火車離開了倫敦; 發生爆炸後倫敦交通全面癱瘓, 整天下午我在lab一邊手忙腳亂地做實驗一邊聽着電台廣播一邊着急, 大部分的倫敦人不知道何時才回得了家, 每半小時廣播的死傷人數不斷地增加, 手機不停地響但又不停地斷線....那天的倫敦真的混亂到不得了。
身邊很多的同學朋友都有被影響: 有同學看見巴士爆炸; 同系的學長被困在地鐵要跟着人羣沿着車軌走出來待救; 在我們大學進修的醫生成群結隊到了附近的爆炸地點幫忙....

我們不會忘記七月七號, 不會忘記當晚為我們提供免費股務的休班巴士司機及火車站員工, 不會忘記那些忙碌了整個夏天的警報人員, 不會忘記那幾天差不多通宵達旦為我們倫敦市民服務的消防員, NHS醫務人員, paramedics, 以及那些義務工作的紅十字會急救員。感謝你們! (Read more!)

Saturday, July 01, 2006


如題, 在清理相機的compact flash 時, 發現原來拍了這麽多無聊的照片!


左:米的乾糧; 右:啤的乾糧……





(請留意火勢正猛的爐灶下盒子上的字)。當然, 這行字是燒烤過後, 草地上黑了一個長方形的時候我們才發現的…


(Read more!)